Wednesday 15 June 2016

Google defines AdSense ads clickable area

AdSense has recently made a change, and this latest change may affect your CTR and revenue because Google tries to reduce accidental clicks and increase value for advertisers.Google defines AdSense ad clickable areas. Previously, the user clicks on an AdSense ad unit can be any part of the calculations. And from now on, AdSense ad units and ad title belongs only URL clickable parts. The background area is no longer part of clickable parts.Such changes and modifications that Google AdWords unit earlier this year made the same . The AdWords after changing running well. Despite reducing the click-through rate, and in most cases, the sales have not changed much. This proves that success is more likely to come from people clicking really interested in, rather than those who accidentally click. 

 In an e-mailed statement to the user's AdSense, Google said: "While we recognize that these changes may lead to a decline in some publisher's earnings in the short term, we expect long-term effects of these changes are advertisers willing to spend to improve. By investing between AdSense publishers, AdWords advertisers and site visitors can maintain long-term healthy relationship, we ensure that all participants receive AdSense continued success. " To buy approved adsense account .

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